Welcome to Your Klëm – Hello Word

Hi There,

My name is Christine and I'm from team Klëm, I would like to make this process as quick as possible so here goes.

First off , what is Klëm?

Klëm is a digital wardrobe and personal style search engine that helps you organise and keep your clothes in one go- this definition is going to be extended further as we add more functionality but for now, core functionality is the ability to manage your wardrobe digitally.

Klëm is currently recruiting its founding customers- you are on of those.

Founding customers pay a one time fee of 5.99 forever and will never pay again even when the app eventually moves to a monthly schedule.

This is super generous of us, I know but of course there is a small catch.

We want you to constantly send us reviews, updates, feedback etc about your experience so we can make the app 100 times better for you while we charge the poor souls that come later a monthly fee!! Never show them this post.

Capiche? Is that how you spell capiche? ah, it will have to do.

Next up? Read post two on how to add shirts to your Klëm wardrobe, then post three for bottoms etc. We have this all planned out.

Email me directly at Christine@klem.app if you have any questions.

You can address me by 'Mama Klem' it's a weird request, I know but I'm not the one organising my clothes with a cool app, things were already weird.
